Websites I find useful enough to want to be able to visit them later. Completely for my own convenience, but have a look if you like. Possibly wildly outdated at any point in time.

Tree Sheets: Spreadsheets with a hierarchical structure enabling tree-like spreadsheets.

Notepad Calculator: Text and sums - could be a really good tool for budgets, etc. For greater functionality I'd go with Jupyter, but sometimes you just need a simple tool.

brycedrennan/imaginAIry: AI photo image generation and manipulation.

Dataframe Showdown – Polars vs Spark vs Pandas vs DataFusion. Guess who wins?: Just so I remember that there are alternatives to Pandas (which I find useful but the syntax is a bit weird to me). More of a blog, but seems to fit with programming, also see this post on replacing pandas with polars by the same guy.

Use Bing Image Creator in the terminal because why wouldn't you want to do that? Bing Image Creator in terminal.

Setup Jupyter Notebook for R: exactly what it says

T-table: San Jose State University t-distribution table.

F-table: UCLA F-distribution table.


CalcPlot3D: Best 3D Graphing website.

Desmos Graphic Calculator: Best 2D graphing calculator.

Reference tables

Integral Table (BE Shapiro): Go-to integral table.

Keep your identity small: A post on identity and labels we give ourselves, especially concerning politics and religion.

How to correctly configure Snap'd Firefox to open local html-file, generated by Jupyter Notebook launcher?: This answer is how I made Jupyter Lab work in Jammy.

How to set custom resolution using xrandr when the resolution is not available in 'Display Settings': For when I struggle with the resolution of my second screen.

How to run script on startup on Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish Server/Desktop: Running a script on startup using systemd services.

How to write startup script for Systemd?: Similar to above link of systemd startup script, just gives some clarity.


Stack Exchange - Ubuntu - Ubuntu 22.04 Bluetooth Issues (Not Connecting To Bluetooth Device): There's a useful script here for activation of Bluetooth on startup.

Stack Exchange - Unix & Linux - Turn on bluetooth on login screen: Edits required to /etc/bluetooth/main.conf.

Meet Iranian Lionel Messi imposter who slept with 23 women before his arrest: This guy impersonated Messi, it's just a crazy story.

Snarls over ‘Dr Smile’ name : A fight between two dentists over a ridiculous name. Never figured out what happened in court - to do list.

Fake food flooding SA’s townships : Fake food, who knew such a thing existed.

DPSA remuneration policy: for when you're looking for the government salary scales again.

SARS tax deduction tables: tax deduction tables for South Africa.